Or as my insurance agent said ... tired, we was making him tired.
April 19 2018.. there is snow on the ground. Not a lot but with freezing temps I am hoping the rhubarb and strawberries survive it.... reminds me of Spring of 2011 our first year here.It was late May before we could plant anything and then it got so hot most of it fried before it made. I try not to worry, does not change a thing.. we have plenty in the pantry even with holes but I know the next 3 yrs are going to be really tight.
I told Hubby that I was going to get some of my 12 inch flower pots and plant lettuce, scallions and spinch. Maybe some little finger carrots. I can plant them here and easily enough take the pots to 209
We finally found a car I liked, could sit in and get out of without help and could afford. 2014 Jeep Compass Latitude 18645 miles( less than 5000 miles a year). Appraised at $16500 and we got it for $14000. We had set back $20000 for a car for me. SO the extra will go for new tires this winter, tires fine for now but not for winter and a go over by our mechanic in a couple weeks and cover the insurance( I increased the deductible) until I get rid of the Ford which will be next month as my son is in need of borrowing a car while his is in the shop for a week. He paid for the tags for the Ford as I transferred my speciality plates to the Jeep and the cost of the ins, still was cheaper for him than renting a car..The lady was selling it for her mom that is no longer driving.She is in her 80s.
We are still looking for a truck for Hubby. He is looking at starting a welding service for the Amish (they mentioned the one that was doing it retired and they needed someone that had a portable welder). Hubby's brother in law does this type of work and is willing to sit down and talk it over. We just have to mesh with when we can meet.
Hubby called to check on when the French patio doors would be in... they were suppose to be in 2-3 weeks ...They are in.. We will be picking them up next week as the contractor said he would have full crew in all of next week and could help unload them.
Hubby called about the tractor that is to be in 3 wks..It will be in Monday but the company will "test" everything before letting us pick it up... so sometime next week.
I have breathing issues with the cleaner we have to use here...we have a lot of rust from the pipes even after having a whole house filter to filter that from the well. Daughter4 whose has a child with sever allergies and asthma gave me her list of cleaners. I couldn't find any of them around here but found them on line and got them on sale with a discount coupon and free shipping...and ebates.I also got a microfiber mop (can be used wet or dry) for our wood floors and extra cloths. SO thanks to those that let me know microfiber mop works for hard wood.
We had pork butt roast, then sandwiches. Then we had sloppy joes on top of Ramen noodles . Last night was the 2 chicken breasts I had froze with a leftover baked potato split between us and broccoli along with strawberries with plain Greek yogurt and choc syrup for the sweet. Today is leftover shredded pork butt, cheesey potatoes and an apple kale slaw . I have a graham cracker pie crust and strawberry glaze in the butler's pantry. Condensed milk in the pantry and cream cheese and strawberries in the frig so I decided to make a no bake cheesecake with strawberries and strawberry glaze on top.
Tomorrow we will be going to the Scioto Valley produce auction (AKA Amish auction) so we will have soup and sandwiches when we get home. I need to finish that "to Buy" list.
I need to update my seeds list. I am trying to make over 90% be heirloom to cut back on what seeds I buy.
Blessed Be
From My Home to Yours: 3/7/25
From My Home to Yours3/7/25~ join us for a morning in the kitchen ~One
morning this week I was in the kitchen for the purpose of trying out a new
to me g...
6 days ago
We are like you, keep our cars forever, usually at least 15 years. But in the last three years we each had to get a new car. It felt wonderful to drive something different.
ReplyDeleteDid you say you were moving into 209 in June?
Head Contractor is trying to get it far enough along we can move it during June. The two head of the lead crews working on the house said that is a very doable date as we had done about 8 hrs of work removing things before they started AND I was willing to work with them over things when they couldn't give me exactly what I wanted without increasing labor time by double
DeleteGlad you found a vehicle. Because of my knee I had alot of the same issues with getting in and out. We went through all that in the fall and were greatly blessed with a Honda Oddessy which is what we wanted since our son is an engineer on that vehicle. We use only green cleaners here so just ask if you need any more help with that.
ReplyDeleteDaughter4 uses Clean works , vinegar, baking soda, washing soda, borax and castile soap. Any suggestions you have would be appreciated. 7th Generation didn't work for her as well
DeleteShakley Basic H and microfiber are go to cleaners here. We are fine with 7th Generation so that is really hard that you cannot use it. I buy shampoo and conditioner form Bulk Apothecary and our soap is Sungold which I order straight from them. It helps to reduce your allergic load by eliminating fragrances in your HBA items.
DeleteAnd how could I forget our favorite old fashioned Bon Ami scouring powder. You can clean toilets with it too by wetting the brush and sprinkling it with it and then scrub.
ReplyDeleteI just cleaned my son's house with bon AMi