Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sept Goals status

Sept goals done:
4 rooms repainted but still need put back together LOL

deck (Hubby's part) will be done by this weekend

tractor mower fixed

truck maintenance done

green beans done

cucumbers done

beets done

butternut, acorn sq,spag sq.,  pie pumpkins and jack be little pumpkins rinsed in bleach water to store until late winter when if not cooked by then I will cook and freeze. Butternut and acorn do not need to be cooked to be frozen.

green tomatoes (wasn't on Sept goals) done

I have cabbage in the garden, apples, corn and tomatoes waiting for me to get home and do this weekend.Cabbage will be last since they are holding well in the garden.

We still are sitting at 45% on propane so not needing winter fill YET.

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