Saturday, August 7, 2021


 We went to the garden and harvested.

tomatoes, basil and an onion Hubby wanted for sandwich

Handful of strawberries from second blooms, purple radishes and eggplant.

purple beans (turns green when cooked) , Roma bean (suppose to be a wide bean but not very wide this year) and cherry tomatoes.

Box full of carrots. I will can the carrots and dehydrate the tops to mix in my powdered greens jar.

2nd batch of onions to cure 

And how Hubby ended the day. Work Truck front right tire blew while driving on a back road with a full load on the 32 ft. trailer.  Said it didn't really pull to the right when it went and he had a decent spot that others could get around him on the road. Figured it was a good day since no one was hurt, no damage was done and the spare was good. He did call the shop that he gets his tires from to let them know he would be in Tuesday for replacement since he is going out of town with a couple Amish guys on Monday. 


  1. Mmm, good food. Nasty blowout but the best scenario.

  2. your food looks delicious, but sorry for your husbands incident. Always a good thing then when no one is injured when the unexpected happens with motar vehicles.

  3. Our garden is so dismal this year. Happy he wasn't hurt.

  4. Hey, about canning carrots. Last year I read that you can prep the carrots then toss in olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Fill pint canning jars and process 40 minutes at pressure for your altitude. When finished, they are just like roasted carrots. I have not canned carrots the old way since. Delicious and easier; not mushy! By the way, lovely batch of carrots you have there.

    1. bad thing is Hubby doesn't like cooked carrots. He tolerates stir fried LOL
