Saturday, June 15, 2024



Toad in the middle of the deck but decided it was not the best place for him.

As for finances, we decided ours wasn't the best place for us either.

I asked Hubby over lunch what our goal was now... 

He drew a blank...

I started it to finish paying off taxes on the loan.. That will be done Beginning of July, 8 months early. 

 I brought up he priced pavers vs pouring cement for the area at end of ramp. Pavers is cheaper, easier to replace, so he gave me that figure to save (forgot to add taxes so I did that).

Then it was pay off house.... 

I brought up that both of us are having problems with our cell phones, they are about 10 yrs old. So we researched those. THEN we asked the kids, grandkids and a couple friends for their thoughts. When those come in we will look at what is best for us. BUT that money needs to be saved.

I will need some fresh seed(heirloom/open pollinated as I am moving that way and harvesting my own seeds) for next year's gardens, we have 2 fruit trees that need replace also. That money needs to be saved.

He was still blank of what the goals is now.

I told him the goal should be to live only on his Social Security. He asked why.

If I die, he won't have mine. I pay the groceries and medical.

If he dies , I will get his but no longer get mine which pays for groceries and medical... on top of we can't make the mortgage or a car payment on that amount. 

We don't want to use all of our retirement funds either. So we need to focus on running the house just on his Social Security ( I wondered if his congitive disfunction was going to create an issue with what I was saying, it's like flare ups of mild dementia).

He thought about it for awhile and came back with a 5 yr. plan.

SO durig heat wave I will look strongly at his 5 yr. plan and see if it is doable. 

He finally agreed to set limits on his spending on his credit cards and save the money for the items first then charge it.

I will add our propane being $1.899 is 10¢ a gallon cheaper than last year. I am also lowering what we order by 100 gallons since we have more than enough wood and coal. That is a saving of $204.

He picked up 4 fans on sale while at Menards with E as he knows that running a fan is cheaper than AC. I don't like how cold he likes it and we have 4 rooms that use the AC (no way to shut vents) that we don't use on a daily bases. Will probably turn it on during the heat wave but not for normal usage. 

I figured up what it costs for me to make English muffins, bagels (including fruit), plus cost of propane to bake it etc. Really helped when I was at store and could  figure out if I was  spening money I could save. I wrote the cost of everything on my grocery list, went to cheaper store (Save a Lot) and compared those prices to Walmart and Krogers. Hubby also saved $18.75 in fuel at Krogers Gas. One pound sausage was cheaper at Krogers than the other two. I figured Save A Lot would be cheapest.

He was made at himself as he forgot his check book when he went to get truck tags and license and had to pay a charge for using credit card. I need to remember to remind him to take it with him since I know he doesn't carry it with him.

Stay safe

Prayers for peace and sanity 

Blessed be


  1. My Hubby carries a blank check in his wallet which has gotten him out of a jam many times.

    1. We went to duplicate checks as he now has problems remembering to write in register and loses receipts. I should have wrote take check book on the paperwork he had to take.

  2. Tommy is annoyed when he has to pay a charge for using a cc.

    1. Hubby was until one of the Mennonite showed him what it was costing them to run a credit card.

  3. CHeck with you Cell company and explain your situation. People trade in perfectly good phones and they may have newer ones really cheap.

    1. Son 2 said the same, he is on the hunt for new phone also.
