Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Garden work.

 Hubby is clearing the asparagus patch today. I saw some of the "green" that comes up before the spears break ground. Tomorrow it's to be close to 60 before it plunges to below freezing again.

In grow cart I started kohlrabi, collards, 3 different tomato plants, celery, bunching onions, cabbage,eggplant,and brussels sprouts. 

End of this week I will pick more to start.

Our primary doctor and his wife said they have been growing "salad" lettuce all winter in their grow cart and then complained about the $600 electric bill when I pointed out he got an electric car and their electric company has different rates for times of usuage. They checked and found that if he started charging at one time that was on the higher rate, it stays the higher rate until he is done charging. Was in the contract they signed when they installed the charging station. So they put it on an alert on their phone to go out and charge it when the rates go down. They also have the grow cart on at that time. We suggested putting it on a timer since they work long hours. 

So if you are new to growing or even restarting... check what you are using and when. It might make a difference cost wise

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