Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Groceries/grocery budget

 Jan 28th spent $63.61 on groceries (left $116 in grocery budget)

Feb 11th bought 1 gallon of milk $3.19

Feb 25th bought 1 gallon of milk $2.98 (left additional $298 in grocery budget) 

March 3rd spent $329.61 SAVED $135.

Kroger's had good sales. I got 3 chuck roasts, 2 boneless pork loins, 3 lbs of bacon, 1 80/20 roll of hamburger, 2- 1lb. ground beef, 1chicken thighs (that scored me 2 free packages of chicken wings). I got carrots (regular, not baby), celery (coupon) broccoli (coupon), cauliflower (coupon), 2 bunches of scallions, 2 packages of mushrooms(coupons), and 3 bags of mixed salad (on sale). I got a loaf of bread for 50 cents. Got  5 salted butter on sale (coupon) milk (coupon) half and half (coupon), cottage cheese (coupon) and yogurt (on sale).  Got peanut butter .... 10 total between Kroger creamy and Jif chunky for $1.49 each, both on sale. Got 3 of 6 pack of coke and one of sprite on a buy 2 get 2 free PLUS coupon.  Had a $20 coupon if I spent $200 or more. I still have one chest freezer empty. 

I still have a couple of boxes of shelf stable mik that I will use this month since they need used up.

Amish gave us eggs and 1 pound of smoked bacon (tonight's supper).

I ordered different dried beans, Great Northern (share with son 2) Pinto (share with daughter 4) navy (share with daughter 2) small red (OURS LOL),red kidney (share with MIL) and black bean (OURS) Split the costs.. our share $128. The kids decided they needed some beans incase things get worse.

We still have $256 left in budget. 

We know we will eat out at the local restuarant that does all you can eat fish through Lent. I called and asked what the price was going to be.Times it by how many times I think we will go and will use what is left in the grocery budget including tip.  Will still have some left in budget. 

I should only spend about $60 in April for dairy and fresh veggies... IF it stays warm I should be able to grow lettuce and maybe spring onions.

Amish neighbor told us he got us a pig that he is raising. We can "donate" food scraps if we want (we usually do even though we don't get a pig) and he was also getting a steer that we could have whole or half (he never has problems finding someone that wants half). Both would be ready in fall. He will also have corn for us. Asked if we needed it for fresh eating or freezer or both. His siblings and parents are grateful for the help we have given while his Dad has been fighting infection and then a knee replacement. Between emails and phone calls to Doctor in Mexico and going after meds and running him to xrays. You would think it was Hubby's dad instead of the neighbors. 

 We asked if he was "helping" the widow on the other side of him. Said she had already "placed her order" age 77 and laughed. The other widow age 80 on our side said her kids were growing gardens  and running her over at times.  

Back to work.

Take care, be safe, and I pray you don't get the flu I caught AGAIN  

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