Thursday, January 2, 2025

menu for past week

Dec 27th Left over prime rib, left over baked potato, left over mixed green salad with goat cheese crumbles and raisins. 

Dec 28th sausage gravy and biscuits, mixed tropical fruit, carrots and asparagus.

Dec 29th  sausage and potato soup.... added leftover baked potato and milk to sausage gravy until it was soup. Served with rolls

Dec 30th Roasted chicken,leftover baked potatoes (peeled and reheated in butter) summer squash from freezer. Squash pie (had pumpkin pie spices)

Dec 31st BBQ (Mom's recipe of sauce) ribs, tossed salad with cranberries and apples. Dinner roll.

Jan 1st pork loin (from E and M for Christmas), homemade kraut with diced apple, mashed potatoes and Apple feta tossed salad.

Jan 2 left over ribs, mashed potatoes, spinach, yellow hominy and mandrain orange

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2025... plans

 Still need to buy raised garden bed soil for the last of the garden beds. Hubby said we might need more ground cover for under them. I ordered flower seeds, potato tubers, sweet potato slips  and lunch box mini peppers (the only one not heirloom or open pollinated) to share with Daughter 2 and possible Daughter 4. I will start them myself so they can plant in baskets, flower beds or garden beds as both have dogs. I need to set up an area to put the grow cart and start seeds.

We have to build bookcases for 2 bedrooms upstairs. We have salvaged lumber stored in barn. Should have enough screws, nails or what ever to put them together for FREE. Right now the books are stacked on the floor causing issues when I clean. I will call the library to see if they are going to take donations this year for their book sale... they didn't last year. 

Hubby is working on a new purple martin house as he has all the wood he needs to build it. We might need paint. 

I have 4 Christmas decorations that need repaired by Nov also, most of what I need is here. 

We got a 10% discount for being willing to wait until late Jan/ Feb for the lawnmowers to have maintenance service. Even if they get to them before then we still get the 10% discount. Tractor is due for maintenance so Hubby is going to schedule that next week.

We changed our softener salt delivery. Doubled the amount to be delivered so only paying for 3 deliveries instead of 6.

Property taxes, property insurance , school taxes went up which means the extra payment on principal will go down to keep from withdrawing from Retirement funds. I don't want to pay more income taxes on top of that for sure.

We will need to replace the Silverado and Hubby's hearing aids. 

We are not in need of anything needing restocked. I will see how much I can cut there, split what is saved to restock and savings. 

We will hold off on finishing the last 2 wheelchair paths until we have finished the gardens and saved up for the paths. Expanding the gardens. 

Any plans for 2025?

Blessed Be 

Prayers for peace and health. 


2024 update for year.

 Final year Update..

15 (one had a baby girl but we about lost her Momma,doing okay now) people in and out of hospital, over half was borderline losing them due to heart issues. Right now everyone is home. We have 2 still in treatment (both veterans).

Year came in 5% under budget even with ordering flower seeds and tubers of potatoes and sweet potatoes, still need more raised garden bed soil. Daughter 2 is taking the old 2 wooden garden beds that are 3 ft by 16 ft. so it's just toss them on the trailer and take them down late Feb early March. We will share seeds and tubers since her money is going for ground cover under the beds and raised garden bed soil. I have potting soil and empty hanging baskets for me to grow our own flowers and seed starting soil to start my seeds.

Hubby changed his part D,Doc took me off 2 meds that had costs. We dropped 2 subscriptions between us. We still need to get the tractor in for maintenance, lawnmowers are in but won't be doing until Feb, which is fine as they go over all of it not just oil change, blades sharpened. Got a 10% discount for waiting until Feb for it to be done.